Friday, December 8, 2017

Lead in Cast Iron?? No.

I hear this all the time. Don't buy anything but American cast iron that Asian junk has lead in it.
Let's start here...Iron melts at 2768 degrees Fahrenheit. Lead melts at 621.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Follow where this is going?
I agree and love my American cast iron pieces. However I do own several pieces that were forged in China and they do perform very well. I also have a Japanese piece and one that is from Korea. The six inch Skillet that is made in Korea is my favorite piece.
The only time lead could be an issue is if you purchased a used piece that was used to melt lead, which was a common practice. So here it comes, is it possible that foreign cast iron that is brand new is actually safer than buying at a thrift store?
I'm also not lucky enough to walk into a flea market and find a rare piece dirt cheap. So I will continue to buy whatever I like where ever it's made.
It's your money and your decision. I'm probably going to get a lot of heat(no pun intended) for writing this but I'm tired of the "Experts" spreading misconceptions about cast iron.

Lead Test Kit

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